But, its not scrapping the mysql80-exporter:9104 metrics at all. In Prometheus web UI, the docker and prometheus metrics are scrapped perfectly. Published=9090,target=9090,protocol=tcp prom/prometheus $docker run -d -name my-prometheus -network db_network -mount Then i created the prometheus.yml like $ vim ~/prometheus.ymlĪnd finally a container was created for prometheus like this. env I curl it from my server it scrapes metrics perfectly from mysql80 container. Mysql> GRANT PROCESS, REPLICATION CLIENT, SELECT ON *.* TO mysql80 exporter is in a container like this $ docker run -d Mysql> CREATE USER IDENTIFIED BY 'exporterpassword' WITH MAX_USER_CONNECTIONS 3 Then I deployed the mysql exporter like this: $ docker exec -it mysql80 mysql -uroot -p Then I configured the docker daemon like this $ vim /etc/docker/daemon.json default-authentication-plugin=mysql_native_password Wiki Security Insights Releases Tags 4 hours ago prombot v0.15.0 6ca2a42 Compare 0.15.

For advanced use the mysqldexporter can be passed an optional list of collectors to filter metrics. It is a powerful tool for visualizing large-scale measurement data and designed to work with time-series.

This is the recommended way to collect metrics to avoid errors when comparing metrics of different families. Grafana is an open source, feature-rich metrics dashboard and graph editor for Graphite, Elasticsearch, OpenTSDB, Prometheus, and InfluxDB. I created a mysql8 docker container like this: $ docker network create db_network The mysqldexporterwill expose all metrics from enabled collectors by default.