Agent orange larfleeze
Agent orange larfleeze

Long ago, Larfleeze and a band of thieves uncovered the orange lantern, unleashing it’s horrible power that couldn’t be contained by them, forcing them to comprise with the remaining thieves: they can keep the power but they would be banished to the Vega Sector. The Guardians are even overpowered by Larfleeze’s hosting greed consumed by the secret biting them in the ass. Larfleeze easily overpowers them, absorbing there green light, until he becomes transfixed with the new light emulating from Jordan’s other fist. Larfleeze, set upon revenge for a treaty broken, begins hunting the Green Lanterns. A trap is sprung and the trespassers are slaughtered by Larfleeze. It may have broken the spell of the red ring but the blue continuously asks him what he hopes for, inhibiting his ability to use his own green ring, although his blue ring is keeping his fimiliar ring charged because a new threat is coming… ancient former accomplices of the Guardians stumble upon a hidden evil bearing an orange lantern. At the core of this story is a set up for Blackest Night, leaving off where Rage left off with the Green Lantern Corp still dealing with Sinestro and Atrocitus as Hal Jordan deals with the blue ring bonded to his hand.

agent orange larfleeze

Larfleeze is the a oddity in the world of Lanterns in that he’s the only flesh and blood lantern in his Corps, the orange light steals the likeness of all Larfleeze kills so he almost has a never ending army at his disposal.

agent orange larfleeze

What they found was the unstoppable greed of Larfleeze and the Orange Lantern Corps.Agent Orange is our last story before Blackest Night, and it’s introduction to the Gollum of the DC universe in Larfleeze.

agent orange larfleeze

Larfleeze then promised that if his demands were not met, his corps would descend upon them. Even though the Controllers had broken off from the Guardians over a billion years ago. Because of the Controllers’ transgressions Larfleeze, the sole remaining keeper of the Orange Light and the leader of the Orange Lantern Corps was so enraged and infuriated he had a message for the Guardians telling them their former treaty was null and void because of the actions taken by the Controllers breaching the isolation agreement they had set forth so long ago. The Controllers were confident in their immortal power that nothing could stand in their way and keep them from finding the Orange Light, no matter what primitive creatures resided in the so called palace.

agent orange larfleeze

Without the interference of the Guardians they believed they could finally attain a power source that would allow them the means of creating an army to control the universe. The Controllers believed they located the orange light on the planet Okaara, within the Vega star-system, a forbidden territory for the Green Lantern Corps. The location of the Orange Lantern Corps is on planet Okaara.Ģ009: With the Guardians of the Universe occupied with the Zamarons’ experiments on the Star Sapphires, The Controllers were left to begin their search without opposition from the only two groups that could stop them. This lantern is also considered evil or enemy of good lanterns. Former Thieves Guild member Larfleeze (known as Agent Orange) draws on greed to build constructs made of orange light with his power ring, transforming people he has killed into his “Construct Lanterns”.

Agent orange larfleeze